Can You Please Help Me Out Real Quick?

Congratulations on your wise decision to download my latest book, Write Your Book in a Flash with Artificial Intelligence – Ethically.

Along with some great comments and feedback, I’m also getting a lot of questions from entrepreneurs, authors, content creators, and subject matter experts who, like you, have a story to tell and a message to share.

I want to help, and the question is, “what’s the best way to go about it?”

So, can you please give me just 1 minute and share a few quick thoughts?

Most of the questions are “check all that apply” boxes so you should be able to go through it quickly.

Everything with an asterisk (*) is required.

Again, I really appreciate it!

Thank you for downloading Write Your Book in a Flash with Artificial Intelligence - Ethically. What help or knowledge are you seeking to gain? *
When do you want to have your book written and ready to hit the bookshelves? *
What kind of book do you want to create? *
Up until now, what has stopped you, slowed you down, or gotten in the way of you completing your book? *
What kind of help with AI would best help you write your book in a flash? *
What kind of support do you feel would best help you write your book in a flash? *
If I did a program to help you write your book in a flash using AI, what speed would you like it to go? *
If you would like me to contact you personally, check here